As an environmental healing practitioner, the objective of my services is to facilitate the flow of Chi in living and working spaces, counteract adverse factors, promote the manifestation of beneficial energies toward harmony and wellness, and enhance the overall ambience of the spaces. My integrated method can be implemented throughout the land, buildings, and related spaces.
Through my combined techniques, I provide a direct and practical approach to subtle space harmonization, particularly for large projects, and when my services are requested after the architecture and main design features are already in place, and the harmonizing work has to be done without major changing of original features. Though an initial assessment is best suited and effective to assess major unbalances, with the proper changes to harmonize a project, a later balancing procedure can be implemented to minimize the effect of adverse factors, such as a not beneficial layout, or adverse interior features and elements existent in the final design or at the current spaces.
I also provide consulting services to architects and interior designers, assessing and advising on the subtle properties of functional and decorative elements, as well as for landscape features to be selected for their projects. My services also offer customized design of “resonance” symbols, “alchemical” mandalas, and walking labyrinths which, in a subtle manner, bring forth the balancing and healing energy implied in the created forms, combined symbols, and natural materials selected.
Method and basic procedure
My space harmonization approach entails a combination of sciences, techniques, and philosophies applied through my experience in the field of individual and space healing and harmonization. Besides an intuitive approach, I implement the following methods and tools: applied environmental Radiesthesia (detection, analysis, and harmonization), Vastu Shastra principles and harmonizing elements, western Feng Shui principles, Biogeometry (concepts and tools), Reiki healing, applied symbology resonance (combined influence of the resonance effect of shapes, symbols, sacred geometry, and numerology), subtle color adjustment, and the use of natural elements as balancing remedies, including natural crystals, which can be applied when necessary in an inconspicuous manner.
Through the implementation of the above listed methods and tools, and by using blueprints and pictures of the area and development, along with referring to the historical profile, and subtle characteristics of the land and surroundings, I analyze the project’s features. This is followed by a revision of the layouts and interiors’ design. After detecting and marking possible adverse factors, and favorable areas, which will be listed on a report, I proceed to determine harmonizing elements to be installed at the site and premises accordingly, and provide recommendations to balance, as well as enhance the ambience and the beneficial vibrational properties of the spaces. Onsite preliminary assessment at the early stages of the project development, and/or by the completion phase of interiors, is provided according to the type of project and its needs.
Remote and onsite assessment of land and facilities for the detection of potential subtle noxious factors, with related report and recommendations, including advice on harmonizing elements as suitable. This service also comprises the localizing of beneficial sites and favorable areas for specific activities if requested.
Assessment and advice on outlines and interiors’ layouts for new projects, outdoors’ features, materials, and functional and decorative elements toward the balancing and/or enhancement of spaces and their subtly ambiance, provide solutions to subtly enhance and harmonize existing properties or facilities. Particularly, with focus on public areas, retail spaces, amenities, event and meeting rooms, spa and wellness center, educational and training spaces, restaurants, and outdoor gathering and ceremonial areas.
Scan and assess the resonance qualities of art pieces and decorative elements, to probe their subtle field and influence on the ambience and, in the case of an energetically unsuitable piece already existing or purchased, if not possible to remove it, provide ways to neutralize or minimize its effect.
Advice on the acquisition and placement of natural crystals and other beneficial elements to contribute to the ambience’s enhancement.
Design advice for the creation, and enhancement, of special activity areas such as walking labyrinths, contemplative places, circle gatherings/kivas, meditation rooms, shrines, and other healing spaces, including favorable site and alignment.
Custom design of healing and enhancing artworks including integrated resonance symbols (for walls and floors ornamental and beneficial resonance effects) tridimensional mandalas, and walking labyrinths.